Guangdong Crown Paint Company Limited

Installation Video 6:Apply Colored Epoxy Putty Layer

Colored Epoxy Midcoat Powder Putty Layer is used to better smooth the floor surface,and improve the floor's impact resistance,compression strength,it also provide a sealing purpose.


Material:  CP-MA(Paint) , CP-MB (Hardener), Quartz Powder

Tool:  Spatula, Electrical Mixer


1)Open the tins of CP-MA and CP-MB,mix them based on A: B=5:1 by weight,stir for about 2 minutes by electrical driller;

2)Add quartz powder (50%~100% of the mixture of A and B) into the mixture, stir it for another 1-2 minutes by electrical driller. 

3)Pour the mixture on the primed floor, start to scrape it with flat spatula to cover &fill the whole floor. Corners,edges can be painted by brush. 

4)Finish the application within its pot life 20 mintues, and Maintain the floor for about 8~10 hours till dry before the next layer.


Key Notes:

1),The consumption of CP-MA and CP-MB is 0.2~0.4 kg /sqm,depending on floor condition & designed solution;Quartz Powder is about 0.1~0.4kg/sqm according to design,generally ranging from 50%~100% of that of Epoxy.

2),You can do it one coat at one time or two coats at two times. The application interval is about 8 hours at 25 degrees. 

3),Before massive application, trial test is recommended,because you need to get familiar with the epoxy features. Open the barrels,take out ,for example,CP-MA 5 kg, CP-MB 1 kg to start mixing and add powder 2~4 kgs,

4),Epoxy thinner is not a necessity in putty, but it can be added to dilute the mixture for a better feeling of application,generally 3%~5% by weight would be ok

5),Before application, check the putty floor if every inch is dry and clean,free of dust,oil,grease,damage,etc.

6),Be sure to wash the tools with epoxy thinner after work everyday.

Coating Layers:
Generally one layer of screed midcoat is enough. If there are flaws after the first layer, it's ok to apply the second layer.

The epoxy putty surface on floor must be dry,flat,sound,hard without bubble, crack or hole.
It should not be sticky to hand or tool.
All the floor surface must be covered without any leak.


Video Link: Click here to view the video on Youtube.

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