CP-30 is a kind of solvent based two-pack epoxy floor primer,applied on various floor substrates like concrete,terrazzo,metal,etc.
1. Seamless, dustproof,Strong Penetration to the substrate;
3. Good sealing property;
4. Improves the substrate’s hardness strength;
5. Improves the bonding strength between coating layers.
Requirements of the base:
1. Concrete strength≥C25; Concrete moisture concten <4%
2. Flatness: the maximum altitude difference of 2M running rule<1mm
3. Press polish of the concrete surface with cement mortar is recommended.
4. Water & damp proof treatment is suggested before application of leveling layer of the concrete.
Technical Data:
Technical Data CP-30A CP-30B
Color Light Yellow Transparent
Spec.Gravity 0.85~0.90 1.00
Packing Size 18 kg and 18 kg
Mix Ratio A:B = 1 : 1 (by weight)
Consumption 0.15~0.2 kg/m2
Pot Life 3h(25℃)
Re-coat Time 8h(25℃)
Solid Content 45+/- 2%
Application Procedure:
1. Surface preparation:Correct substrate preparation is critical for optimum performance. Surface should be sound, clean, dry and free from loose particles, oil, grease, and other contaminants.
2. Primer: Prepare a barrel, pour CP-30A and CP-30B in it based on 1:1. Stir the mixture well and then apply it with roller or trowel. The reference consumption is 0.15~0.2kg/㎡.The main purpose of this primer is to seal the substrate completely and avoid air-bubbles in the body coat. A second coat may be required depending on the oil absorption condition of substrate. The recoat time is about 8 hours.
Inspection standard for the primer: even film with certain brightness.
Application conditions: temperature ≥10 ℃; Relative humidity < 85%
1. The given pot life is based on 5kg ingredients. It will shorten with increased ingredients and temperature.
2. The application environment should be clean, dry and dustless. Control the ventilation properly during application to avoid imperfect coating performance caused by impurities.
3. The paint film will be dull and floating if the relative humidity is above 80% during application and hardening.
Seal the can tightly and store in a cool, well-ventilated place. Avoid damp, sunlight exposure and freezing.