CP-007 Lithium Silicate Concrete Hardener Application Instructions
1. Surface preparation. New Surfaces must have cured for at least 14 days and be free from curing compounds, dirt, dust, wax, grease and other contaminants. Remove the bleeding cement with vacuum cleaner.
2. Application of concrete hardener A. Apply the A component with mop on the surface and keep entire surface wet for above 120 minutes to let A component penetrate the floor completely. After 120 minutes, clean the residue with vacuum cleaner or scraper. The consumption quantity is 0.25kg/sqm.
3. Application of concrete hardener B. Apply the B component with mop on the surface and keep entire surface wet for above 40 minutes to let B component penetrate the floor completely. After 40 minutes, clean the residue with vacuum cleaner or scraper. The consumption quantity is 0.15kg/sqm.
4. Polishing. 72 hours after the application of B component, polish the floor with the sanding machine (just change the disk to a polishing one). Last, polish the floor again with the sanding machine at a speed of 1,000 cycles/hour or higher.
5. Daily maintenance. Clean the floor with neutral or alkali detergent.
1. The products should not be applied under the temperature less than 5℃.
2. Avoid contact with eyes, open wounds etc.
3. Wash affected area thoroughly with water.
4. Apply under good ventilation.
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