Guangdong Crown Paint Company Limited

CP-6000 Epoxy Floor Paint Application Instructions


Application instructions:

1.    Surface preparation:Grind the concrete floor and repair flawed area to achieve a flat concrete surface. Correct substrate preparation is critical for optimum performance. Surface should be sound, clean, dry and free from loose particles, oil, grease, and other contaminants.

2.    Primer Epoxy: Mix CP-30A and CP-30B in a barrel according to 1:1 by weight. The reference consumption is 0.15kg/㎡.The main purpose of this primer is to seal the substrate completely and avoid air-bubbles in the body coat. According to the oil absorption condition of substrate, a second coat may be required. The paint should be stirred evenly, then apply directly with roller. Wait for 8 hours to recoat.

Inspection standard for the primer: even film with certain brightness.

3.    Scatter small quantity of colored sand on the primer to form a thin coat to provide adhesion for primer and undercoat.

4.    Undercoat Epoxy Paint: Prepare a barrel, mix CP-6000 A and CP-6000 B based on 2:1 in it, and then add colored sand into the barrel. Usually speaking 0.75kg of CP-600 mixture and 4.5-6.0kg of colored sand. Stir completely and then apply the mixture and press it with pressing machine. (touch dry, 4 hours; hard dry, 10 hours)

5.    Topcoat Epoxy Paint: Mix CP-6000A and CP-6000B based on 2:1 and then apply the mixture with roller for twice or three times. The consumption quantity is about 0.55kg/sqm.

6.    Maintenance: 5-7 days. Don’t put it into use or wash with water or other chemicals.


Clean up:

Clean tools and equipments first with paper towels, then clean the tools with solvent before the paint 

Finished effect:

